From a very young age, we are taught that drinking at least eight glasses of water every day is essential for our health. Of course, this needs to be purified RO water. It has been scientifically proven that drinking enough water helps digestion, boosts productivity, and replenishes energy levels. However, there is a way to even get more benefits out of drinking a particular kind of water, such as improved immune function, better bone density and so on.
Sounds unreal? alkaline water answers all your questions about how drinking water can be healthier?. Alkaline water has numerous benefits. It is sometimes sold as bottled water, but that can be an added expenditure. Alkaline water can be directly obtained from water purifiers as well. This "healthy" water has created significant buzz globally, so let's look at what it is and how it is beneficial.
What is Alkaline Water?
Alkaline water refers to water with a higher alkaline value than regular water. This means that alkaline water will report a higher reading than normal water on a pH scale. The hydrogen potential is more significant in alkaline water, which results in a higher reading on the scale.
On the pH scale, 7 is the neutral value. Pure water has a value of 7 on the scale.
Anything below seven would indicate the acidic substance; the lower the value, the more the acidity. On the other hand, anything above 7 means that the substance is alkaline in nature, and alkalinity increases with the value.
Alkaline water has a pH between 8 and 9. This is because alkaline water has a greater concentration of dissolved solids. This includes calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, etc. Plain water has a pH between 7-8.
Why is Alkaline Water Considered Healthier?
Alkaline water has been used in several clinical trials, where its efficiency has been established against many different factors. The primary understanding among healthcare practitioners is that an increased level of acidity in the human body can be the root of some health issues. Therefore, it is easier to drink alkaline water instead of taking medicines to target acidity.
This will neutralize the excess acid and perform all the drinking water functions.
Increased acid concentrations in the body can indeed lead to several health concerns. The body requires a certain level of acidity since bacteria cannot thrive in such an environment. However, increased acidity will lead to problems across various internal organs beyond a certain level.
What are the Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water?
Coming to the crux of our discussion, it is vital to list out that alkaline water is not a magical drink that can cure all diseases. If it is consumed to understand that only this can resolve all health issues, the person is not likely to show improvements. Alkaline water acts as a stimulator that can push many benefits to manifest but cannot do that independently. This is why it is recommended to see a doctor before changing one's diet in any form.
The following benefits have been observed of alkaline water:
• Improved immune response
When too much acid accumulates in the body, the cells get engaged with neutralizing that acidity. This makes the body's immune system susceptible to several infections and diseases. Drinking alkaline water will automatically deal with any excess acid in the body, and thus, the cells will not have to intervene.
• Can treat acid reflux
The most common manifestation of excess acid in the body is seen in the form of gastrointestinal problems. Excess stomach acid can lead to prolonged acid reflux, damaging the digestive system over time. Drinking alkaline water will ensure that no extra supplements will be taken to neutralize excess acid production.
• Can promote bone health
Several clinical trials have shown that alkaline water can help make bones stronger and reduce bone resorption. This is because alkaline water has a higher concentration of bicarbonates, which leads to increased bone density. This can be very helpful to people who have osteoporosis.
• Can regulate cardiovascular health
Drinking alkaline water will lead to greater blood hydration, making it less dense. As a result, this leads to increased blood flow, which is essential to maintaining the heart's integrity.
This "healthy" water is worth giving a shot. After all, if we can significantly regulate a portion of our overall health by simply drinking a different kind of water, then it is undoubtedly a good bargain.