An excellent alkaline water filter removes plastic, chemicals, toxic metals, germs, and pesticides while maintaining essential natural ions, transforming your water supply into alkaline tonic water that refreshes you swiftly and effectively.
The Tesla Alkaline Water System includes a cutting-edge filtering system. A primary Filter is used to pre-filter the water before it can be processed further by our Multi-Stage Filtration System. We use the practice of Usha Paana Chikitsa to regulate alkaline water. Continue reading to learn more about the operation of an alkaline water filtration system.
What Does Filtration System Eliminate?
Water is filtered several times. Organic sand, dirt, and mineral reserves filter water in the environment, which is then exposed to the environment and other components. To make pure mineral water, these variables remove dangerous pollutants and gather up nutrients.
Treatment processes remove impurities such as toxic substances, dust, sediment, sand, and grit from most tap and mineral water. Plastic particles are also becoming more prevalent in tap water, necessitating sufficient screening.
Acids and sediments are filtered out to varied degrees by common jug filtration systems, tap-mounted, under-sink, and tabletop filtration. These sorts of water filters are also suitable for removing chemicals and fluorine.
What, on the other hand, does ordinary filtration do to water?
The answer is frequently a mixture of the bad and the good. This exposes you with plain water that is devoid of any osmotic elements or hydrating characteristics.
The distinction between many of these water filter characteristics and the Alkalino Alkaline Water Purifier produced by Tesla is that our technology also produces diversity and regulated freshwater that the person's body can more easily accept and absorb, which is crucial for nutrition.
Is Fluoride Removed by Water Filters?
In both odor and taste, fluoride is unnoticeable. Phosphate is not to be mistaken with chlorine, which is also added to most Australian tap water and has a distinct odor and flavor.
Our unique Alkaline Water System, which offers the new multi-stage micro filtration technology to eliminate up to 90% of salt from water supply, is one of many filtration systems in the industry that filter fluoride to varied degrees.
What the Tesla filtration systems accomplish that most other filtration systems can't is provide balanced alkaline water with important nutrients and minerals that are easier for the human body to absorb.
Relatively small clumps in alkaline water
The alkaline water produced by the filter has smaller H20 groupings, which your body can absorb and assimilate more quickly; it also has a stronger flavor and provides faster and improved replenishment for your body since it carries an amount needed of energy-rich oxygen. Furthermore, consuming alkaline water rather than ordinary water has several fascinating health benefits (which is presumably why it is so popular), including:
● Blood sugar levels are lower.
● Allergic responses are less likely.
● Increased resistance to the production of free radicals
● Energy levels that are higher
The use of acidic water
Acidic water is the next sort of water it creates. This is possibly dangerous to your body because it might cause a mismatch in your body's optimum ph, so you should avoid drinking it. Acidic water, on the other hand, has several highly helpful applications due to its capacity to destroy bacteria; it's great for dishwashing, shampooing hair, cleansing wounds, and eliminating stains.
So, an alkaline water machine benefits you in two different ways: you get a continuous source of the best healthy drinking purposes possible, and you could also use the acidified wastewater generated as part of the filtration process as a sterilizing and washing intermediary for basic hygiene and cleaning supplies.